How to Get Rid of Acne or Pimples With Proven Herbal Remedies


Acne is a widespread form of skin problem noticeable among teenagers. It occurs due to congestion of skin pores by excessive sebum or oil and dead skin cells. When one enters in to adolescence, hormonal fluctuations occur in body, stimulating the oil glands. Excessive oil collects in pores, gets contaminated and infected leading to a wide range of skin complications, labeled as acne.

Acne appears during adolescence, continues in to adulthood and vanishes usually after 30. Men are more prone to acne than women. Severe acne may lead to scars and blemishes, thereby causing the victim to suffer from poor self-confidence.

Types of Acne

1. Comedomes are plugged follicles. They contain sebum or oxidized sebum. When comedomes are below the skin surface and are white, they are called white heads. When the collected sebum spills over the skin surface and gets oxidized in contact with pollutants, they become black and are known as blackheads.

2. Pimples are small pus filled mounds, red at the base and white on the peak. Pimples are an inflammatory skin problem, often known as pustules.

3. Papules are pin-heads, quite similar to pimples. They are smaller in size.

4. Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne. Pustules may often erupt beneath the skin surface, resulting in infected cysts with hardened crust.

Proven Herbal Remedies for Acne

Herbs can be very useful in treating acne or pimples. Our skin is a natural gift of God and it is best to treat any skin problem by means of pure natural products. Several herbs can have a rejuvenating effect on our skin, which is perhaps the most sensitive part of our body.

1. Diluted tea tree oil may be used on eruptive acne. It has antiseptic properties.

2. Calendula herb may be used as an infusion. One can wash acne with that infusion or even take the steam. The treatment heals damaged skin tissue.

3. Aloe gel may be applied topically on acne. It is known for its astringent and antibacterial properties.

4. Rose water may be applied on acne to relieve pain and inflammation.

5. Lavender compress is highly beneficial in treating inflammatory conditions.

6. Golden seal is very useful in treating oozing pimples and nodules.

7. Walnut leaf extract is quite beneficial if used as an astringent face wash.

8. Echinacea tincture heals broken cysts very well.

9. Witch hazel is notable for its antibacterial properties.

10. Basil tincture is very good for acne. It can clean the pores effectively and check acne break-outs.

11. Burdock leaves and clover leaves infusion is highly beneficial for skin cleansing.

12. One of the best ways to get rid of acne is to take Golden Glow capsules. It is a clinically blended ayurvedic supplement to cure acne and pimples naturally.


Source by Ryan Mutt

Original Post Here: How to Get Rid of Acne or Pimples With Proven Herbal Remedies

Why Do You Want To Lead? What Are Your MOTIVES?


You belong to a particular organization, and are inspired by something or someone, to pursue a position of leadership. Although, another individual, may think or believe, you are the right person, to accumulate some position, only if / when, you truly believe, you have the right stuff, and can make a meaningful difference, for the better, should you pursue it. Open – your – eyes, widely, and take a long, deep, objective, introspective look, and ask yourself, why you want to lead, this particular group, at this point, in time. Take the extra time, and, be, as certain as you can be, that, you are the right person. Be certain you consider your personal MOTIVES, and they are pure, focused on the common good, rather than any self – interests or personal agenda. With that in mind, this article will attempt, to briefly, examine, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why we would have better leaders, if each, would do so, before proceeding.

1. Mention; meeting of minds; motivating: If you need to be thanked, or believe one's position, demands respect, you're probably wrong, for the task ahead. Rather, quality leaders endeavor to mention, thank and appreciate the efforts of others. Will you seek finding and serving the common good, avoid favoring your self – interests? Will you set the example, which inspires and motivates others to follow, and be more involved? Will your leadership be motivating?

2. Options; opportunities; open – mind; opinions: Are you willing to respect others opinions, while having the self – confidence, to step forward, and clearly articulate your opinions and ratione? Will you be open – minded, willing to listen and consider options and alternatives, in order to recognize meaningful opportunities?

3. Timely: Procrastination is the greatest obstacle to quality leadership. One must listen, learn, empathize, fully consider, and then take personal responsibility, to introduce and take timely actions.

4. Ideas; integrity; interesting; inspire; ideology: Consider and embrace your group's ideology, mission, and vision, and inspire others, by making it, interesting, and relevant, to them. Never sacrifice absolute integrity, for the sake of expediency. Will you commit to the responsibility of inspiring, those you serve.

5. Vision; value; values: Are you motivated by a vibrant vision, which will matter to others, because it provides genuine value, while aligning with your organization's values?

6. Empathy; excellence; endurance; efforts: Listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience, and demand your highest level of personal excellence. Will your efforts focus on providing quality, and will you persist, with the endurance, to overcome obstacles, and implement solutions, for the better.

7. System; sustainable solutions; service: How will you leave your group, stronger, than when you began. Will you prioritize, service? Will you perceive and conceive of, and implement, a system, to provide, the finest, sustainable solutions?

No one, should let others, pressure him, into entering leadership. What are your true MOTIVES?


Source by Richard Brody

Originally Published Here: Why Do You Want To Lead? What Are Your MOTIVES?

Which Top Facial Cleansers Leave Your Skin Soft and Fresh?


Are you currently searching for what could be considered as the top facial cleansers that are available? While many lay a claim to greatness very few actually live up to these claims. This is mainly due to the inferior ingredients that are being used in the making of the products.

What you have to understand is that the majority of the products are that are currently being sold have absolutely nothing to offer you in the way of positive benefits. This is because they are filled with chemicals that will do nothing except affect your future health.

These faux top facial cleansers contain ingredients which have been proven to be allergens, neurotoxins, endocrine disruptor's, and carcinogens. Long term use of such ingredients could lead to all sorts of physical ailments, which is why these types of products are better left on the shelf.

There are far better ingredients that your products could contain than the poisons that are typically found in cosmetics products. The problem is that they are far more expensive to use as ingredients than are the chemicals. That fact right there should tell you something about the major cosmetics companies.

It would cost more to develop all natural top facial cleansers, and the big companies are not willing to invest that kind of money in you. They would rather continue to sell you harmful products year after year than invest a little money in order to make available to you a worthy product.

This only goes to show you the lack of integrity that these companies have, and the lack of respect that they have for their customers. Luckily, it sees as this type of behavior is only being displayed by the larger companies. There are smaller companies out there that still care about quality.

If you want to be able to purchase the top facial cleansers then you have to go to mid-sized companies that still care about producing products that are top quality. My personal favorite is a company from New Zealand that is bent on innovation and safety. They produce some of the most outstanding all natural anti aging products of this generation.

They have found a way to naturally stimulate your body to produce more collagen and elastin than is normal for someone over the age of 30, when production of this tissue begins to go into decline. The result is that the fine lines and wrinkles on your face seem to magically disappear.

Their deep cleaning products contain a mixture of Kaolin, and Bentone gel. These two clay extracts pull grime from deep down in your skin leaving it feeling soft, and fresh. These products also contain natural moisturizing agents such as macadamia oil, and shea butter to deeply moisturize your skin leaving it soft and supple.


Source by Kathleen P. Walsh

Article Here: Which Top Facial Cleansers Leave Your Skin Soft and Fresh?

Green Ways to Clean Hardwood Floors


It’s always a good idea to have your hardwood floors professionally cleaned every year. And in between these cleanings, be sure to give it some TLC on your own as well.

Remember, dirt can scratch floors, make your pets sneeze, and even cause someone to skid and fall. Take care that the products you use won’t hurt anyone or anything.

Green Cleaning for Hardwood Floors!

You don’t have to buy expensive, strong-smelling products to keep that floor spotless and looking good as new. Green-friendly cleaning products abound, and some are already in your house.

  • HGTV suggests boiled water and teabags. Steep two teabags in a pot full of water for a couple of minutes and pour this into a bucket. When it’s cool enough to not burn you, dunk in a soft cloth and wring it out. Wash the floor with the damp cloth to get a beautiful shine courtesy of the tannic acid in the tea.
  • Care2, a site that promotes healthy, green lifestyles suggests adding ¼ cup of mild liquid dishwashing detergent (preferably chemical-free) to a bucket of warm water for damp mopping. A little bit of baking soda on a damp sponge can safely rub out scuffmarks.For floors finished with oil or wax, use a natural solvent-based cleaner. White spots left by spilled water can be gently buffed out with fine steel wool and a couple of drops of the solvent.
  • Gaiam Life, another healthy lifestyle and green site, suggests adding a half-cup of pure lemon juice into a bucket for damp mopping to remove mildew, odors, grease, and wax buildup. Olive oil added to damp-mop water will condition unfinished floors.

The Vinegar Debate in Green Cleaning

Vinegar has become the Green Cleaner of the Decade. Various sites endorse it for lime descaling in appliances, general housecleaning, steam cleaning microwave ovens, and stain removal on carpets, clothing, and shoes.

What about hardwood floors?

Green sites tend to agree vinegar is safe on wood but some professional cleaning sites warn against it, saying it’s too harsh on finishes and can void warranties. This may stem from a universal warning against letting water puddle on hardwood floors during cleaning. The two don’t mix well for long periods of time; any spills on a hardwood floor should be cleaned up immediately to avoid discoloration and warping.

Likewise, be sure to damp mop and not slosh. So adding a little vinegar to the mix won’t do harm to a floor in good shape. If there are objections to the vinegar smell, it dissipates quickly. Dust mopping is also recommended.

Options to Mopping

Mopping isn’t fun and many people look to steam cleaners, which clean with super-heated water and no chemicals, to do the job. But is this safe on hardwood floors?

The general answer is: no. There are too many variables: steam harms finishes, leaves streaks, warps untreated wood floors, and can deliver too much steam at once, which can let moisture seep in between the floorboards.

One deep-cleaning system, Bona, gets generally positive reviews but it is not Green Certified. The product also doesn’t name all ingredients, earning it two Fs from the Environmental Working Group.

Your best bet? Ask people to take off their shoes when they enter your home. Put nonslip rugs on high-traffic areas, and sweep and damp-mop regularly with your favorite green wood floor product.


Source by Jill Smith

Source Here: Green Ways to Clean Hardwood Floors

Alternative Energy Sources For Future Cars


A threefold understanding would emphasize the importance of alternative energy resources in the near future

  • The reasons behind why the mentality towards the use of alternative energy resources will change, over the next half century.
  • How this change (i.e. the use of alternative energy) will affect car technology.
  • The various types of alternative energy resources that are available, or currently under research, especially for use in cars

The alternative energy advantage is the fact that they are renewable! We will never go short on supplies of renewable energy. For instance, solar energy – the sun will always be there! – the quantity of solar electricity intercepted by the Earth each 60 second is greater than the energy quantity that the entire human race uses in fossil fuels each year.

Wind energy – the wind will always exist – The power in the winds that blow across the US annually produces more than 16 billion GJ of electricity. Tidal energy – the moon will always be here and so will its forces that cause tidal waves. Hydroelectric energy – water energy will always be available unless there is an extreme change in rain patterns or droughts. Another advantage is that renewable energy is green; hence they don’t exude CO2, which is indeed the biggest provider to global temperature rises, into the atmosphere.

Bio-fuels are carbon neutral as manufacturing them depletes about as much CO2 as expending them produces. Considering these renewable energy advantages, it is apt for producing simple and inexpensive resources of energy. Non-renewable resources (for e.g. carbon-based fuels) are restricted – their supplies will eventually run out in the long run. Non-renewable resources like petroleum release CO2 into the surrounding atmosphere. These are inadequate sources of fuel that are speedily rarefying as the energy crisis is bearing down on us, continuously. Thus, we can firmly agree that the alternative resources are the Future and will provide for a Better Future.

What is the “future car”? A future car is a vehicle that runs on alternative fuels. “Alternative fuels” are fuels that are not made from petroleum. The types of alternative energy resources:

o           Alcohols – ethanol and methanol.

o           Compressed natural gas (CNG)

o           Electricity – stored in batteries.

o           Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

o           Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

o           Liquids made from coal – gasoline and diesel fuel that doesn’t come from petroleum.

o           Biodiesel – a lot like diesel fuel, but made from plant oil or animal fat. 

According to the experts, hydrogen-powered cars will be the next BIG change in our mode of transport. Theoretically it can be extracted from a wide variety of sources. The most common sources are Water; Natural gas (methane); Coal (via coal gasification); and Bio-mass (vegetation such as wood chips and agricultural waste).The processes for extracting hydrogen from these sources are diverse, predominantly in the case of water. To get hydrogen gas out of water, electrolysis is used-that is, electricity is used to extract the hydrogen molecules out of the water. From natural gas, a “reforming” process is used. For fossil fuels or biomass, the substrates are power-plant fuels themselves, which use them for generating both electric power and hydrogen.

The significance is plain and clear: we need an uncontaminated, renewable electric-generation technology. For now, the problem at hand is of discovering alternative energy solutions to power our vehicles. The mission is huge, but without doubt, it is attainable.


Source by Gregoire R. Anaya

Original Post Here: Alternative Energy Sources For Future Cars